
Unfinished trailer in progress for Tapissary Talk's episode 10: "Parrot and Alley Rat in a Hurry"

Language of Symbols

This site displays work I have been sculpting in clay, and other works I have been assembling in the territory of my conlang (constructed language). The pages highlight the miniature, ceramic village of Ventiçello I built, and my invented language of 'contemporary' hieroglyphics, called Tapissary. I feed the glyphs into cycles for a grammatical blend unique to Tapissary. Inside, you’ll find illustrated stories and films that take you on a bilingual tour of the culture and history of the village.


Explore two versions of the Hieroglyphic Collages exhibit. The subject journeys through this invented language of native glyphs and its imaginary world. By clicking the link above, you will discover more information about the display and a short film presenting the exhibit.


Tapissary Talk

↑ Grab this Headline Animator


This new video podcast tells stories as a way to illustsrate Tapissary's glyphic vocabulary and grammar. Click here to watch the podcast



To contact me, here is my email address:




Bienvenu(e) à Ventiçello !


J'affiche sur ce site de la langue tapissary mes créations sculptées des mains, et 'dans la tête'. La suite des pages met l'accent sur le village miniature en céramique que j'ai bâti, et ma langue inventée d'hiéroglyphes, le tapissary. Dans le site, les histoires illustrées vous conduiront dans un tour binlingue (l'anglais et le tapissary) de la culture et l'histoire du village.

Découvrez le podcast visuel "Tapissary Talk".


This site initiated on April 16, 2007. All images and content copyrighted.

© 2007 , 2008, 2009 Steven Travis

Welcome to the Clay Village of Ventiçello...

and its "modern" hieroglyphic language of Tapissary