SUNRISE vocabulary is used when reading from right to left, while SUNSET vocabulary is used reading from left to right. So, what do you do when a sentence starts on one line, and continues on for many more lines? You just snake down the page, alternating direction each time you reach the other side. That's the purpose of boustrophedon in Tapissary; to be easy for the eyes to pursue a meandering flow of text.

A note on style: I write in Tapissary with the boustrophedonic system, however, there are times when some deviation is appropriate. Free expression is part of working with language. When I translate or compose in verse, I often choose a single direction. This helps keep the margin stable.

In the graph above, certain words share the same form in both SUNRISE and SUNSET. This is generally the case with nouns and adjectives. The bulk of Tapisreal vocabulary does not alter according to the direction in which it is written. But there are enough of them to assure a conceptual arrow pointing the reader along the correct lane for each line of text.

The last phrase for this demonstration begins on the next page.