It's Time to Write in the Journal
The entries are written in Tapissary’s romanized phonetic alphabet. Until I am able to develop a computer font for my language, making jpegs of the script for a weekly page on the internet would over expend my graphic files. There will not be many hieroglyph entries on this page, however you can see how to pronounce the sentences by reading Tapissary transcribed into the Latin alphabet.
PRONUNCIATION: The ñ and µ make the preceding vowel nasal. The X is like the Spanish or Italian R. The R is like the French R. The ë is like the u in put. The ç is the CH in cheese. The é is the AY in say. The H is always aspirated as in hello. The J is the G in mirage, or the S in pleasure. The K is the J in June. The OU is the OO in pool. The ö is the O (as in stone) followed by an ë to make a dipthong, and has no equivalent outside of Tapissary. The U is the french U as in lumière. The Y is always a consonant, never the EE sound of a vowel, even before a consonent such as ydec (meaning 'child'), or after a consonent such as in the word Tapissary. A vowel with a grave accent mark (` which gives: à, è, ì, ò, ù) is pronounced with an H sound after it... thnàciñt = thnahciñt (which means: I see a cat). ìcitab = ihcitab (which means: it is a book), etc... Doubled vowels take a falling tone: for example, aa is a long A where you drop down on the second a. A doubled vowel with a circumflex accent mark over the second letter indicates a rising tone: for example, aâ is a long A where you raise your voice at the end, almost like asking a question. A vowel followed by an apostrophe draws out the vowel into a flat tone, such as a', which goes neither up nor down, but rather flatly ahead. (The use of tones is a sign that you have entered the cyclic grammar of Tapissary. The W is the W in west. It always receives its full consonent value, the same way that Y is never used as a vowel. The Z is the Z in zoo. The rest of the letters are close proximities to the Italian alphabet.
As in French, the accent falls on the last syllable, except when the consonent is doubled, or when the letter H is surrounded on both sides by the same vowel.
Ex: (last syllable typically accented): scròjournal > scròjourNAL
Ex: (preceeding a doubled consonent): Tapissary > taPIssary *
Ex: (letter H surrounded by like vowels): shaxzihin > shaxZIhin
* Note: In English, I pronounce my language TApissary, but the pronunciation of the name in Tapissary itself, as you see above, is different from English. Remember that the final Y is not pronounced like an EE. Trail off that sound keeping the full Y tension on your tongue. The word TAPISSARY is 4 syllables long in English, but only 3 in its Tapisreal pronunciation.
The formulae you see preceding each English phrase below (such as: [≈] + ∆ ) refer to the cyclic grammar. They are temporary training wheels to help me clarify the dynamics within each sentence. The symbols themselves do not show up in written Tapissary, but rather influence specific grammatical functions. I have written them in subtle color to keep their distraction level low.
4rios y'Vipra 2007 ... July 4 2007
[=] /\ + /\ ...This morning I decided to make sketches... with my camera.
Shiñdiñ matiñ jë çexlit driñ’ oaìcrociñdiz... tis jda caméra.
[=] + ∆ ... On a walk, I took some photos of things that struck me as having a linguistic or calligraphic nature.
Om beñ perpat, jë preñ sui foto y’vweryiµ sa darañdab ma oubiñ xazad liñgistic ha caligrafic natur jë.
[=] l + l ...Above, is a tire skid mark on a street curb. I also zoomed in on a detail.
Onyolt, psiñ’ siî beñ pnë scid tre om jadde carba. J’elsui zouhoum ydrou om beñ détay.
[=] /\ + V ... It says something.
O driñ’ dihih biñvwerynou biñvwery.
{The text above is July 4th's post in Tapissary}
3rios y'Vipra 2007 ... July 3 2007
[=] l + l ...I read a French blog this morning written by a certain ‘Ramses’.
Shiñdiñ matiñ jë psiñ’ coreiñdiîz Frañse blog écrinou ni beñ sertiñ ‘Ramses’.
[≠] + /\ ... The hypothesis made me wonder whether some of my celloglyphs might not also find a way to survive into the future. There may be a practical use for them waiting just over the horizon.
R’ipotez oùmañdaâ xoupsxa cödöm r’avhir més elsui beñ tvuwhfasoñs survivr sui jda aoìçeêlloglifiµ ‘biñ duñ. Shaµ miñ fi shem pratic ìistmahaâl ri spìhorizoñëê ‘biñ just uvr.
[=] -- l ... Here is the quote from Ramses with a translation in English and another in Tapissary.
Htar sii coté miñ Ramses tis traduijaja ydrou Eñgliz ne otrui ydrou Tapissary.
<< Il semble bien que ce ne soit pas vers les caractères chinois que l’on se dirige mais vers les hiéroglyphes. A preuve les pictogrammes qui se substituent de plus en plus aux textes. - Ramses >>
[≠] /\ + /\ ... “It would appear that they are not Chinese characters toward which we are gravitating, but hieroglyphs. [=] + <> ...The proof lies in the increasing substitution of pictograms in texts. - Ramses”
"O vuirt apexxe sa Çigwi kiz driñ’ xsuwhsheêms twar sos nou grñmaë, ma iroglifiµ. Ze prëv shicéhér ydrou z’incruë sabçouwjaja y’pictogramiµ ydrou textiµ siî. -Ramses"
2rios y'Vipra 2007 ... July 2 2007
Co [≠] <> + V ...Did I ever think I'd get finished washing the dishes tonight?!
Pañdoté j'oma sa halayla ji tasbaxiµ cofiñ' vuirt ze manou maâ ower wéshë!
1rios y'Vipra 2007 ..... July 1 2007
[=] l + l ... The verb coming at the end of a phrase makes sense for longitudes 1,3,4,5, and 6... [≠] + /\ ... but not 2.
Ri verb psiñ’ comiñ atö tëfetr y’fraz mezcëhët sañs fi loñtudiµ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, na 6, ma 2 xsieñhos.
[=] + l ... In longitude 2, the verb melds with the subject and object forming a single “weft”. [≠] -- /\ ... If there is no warp in which to receive the weft, the verb’s position may be in need of transfer.
Ydrou loñtud 2, ri verb maldahax tis sujé na caya beñ oupla weft cölibë. Siy oxi wawarp xsiishaµ ydrou sos ashét oaìweft, ri beshzon y’trañsfer miñ verbshé xsùpojëëñ.
[=] + l ... The example below reads: “[=] + /\ ... I ate breakfast at 8 o’clock”. [≠] + /\ ... It doesn’t embroider a warp thread.
Matal odsou coreihiy: “Zamañ 8 alòçöshoñdocy”. Beñ wawarp itö añcouhoudrsë.
[≠] + /\ ... I’ll be reconsidering the position of verbs in future posts, [=] + /\ I analyze the logic.
Ri pojëñ y’verbiµ réxashav uwhmakaëê ydrou avhir postiµ, oubiñ analiz ri oùlojiy.
30rios y'Sipra 2007......June 30 2007
The above reads: "I was far enough away, in case she mistook me for a predator"
<<Jë ydi ishternax çesto ayër, ydrou cevos fi préditër tort oùhëñdëêr>>
Note: The sound files aren't working properly. This should be corrected by the middle of July.
[=] ∆ + /\ ... This morning, while looking out the window, a squirrel caught my eye.
Shiñdiñ matiñ, xé mabist ulë òxalonëê, beñ écurëy biñ’ atrap jda ùaiyeñdeên.
[=] + /\ ... She negotiated the branches effortlessly.
Éformwiña négosi utùbrañdashiîµ.
[=] + /\ ... The squirrel ran here and there to munch on berries that must have tasted good enough to keep her interest in that pine tree for quite some time.
Z’écurëy couhr ùhtañdaâr na shaµ alal ooìberiîz sa nefer çesto tsa guñdruht sa sapiñ ieñharbr fi cwét cëñ zamañ coìhëêr epytrëvnou.
[=] ø ... I’d finished my breakfast before the squirrel finished hers, __V and she didn’t seem to mind my watching her.
Avañ z’écurëy oweñder caja jda çöshocy oweñdrer, ‘bya jda saharnou saharë hër, elë mazaxmañdas l’espri.
[=] ø ... I was far enough away, [≠] + /\ in case she mistook me for a predator. (lit: I was far enough away in case I mistook her for a predator).
Jë ydi ishternax çesto ayër, ydrou cevos fi préditër tort oùhëñdëêr.
[≠] /\ + ∆ ... I suppose the squirrel would not have understood my desire to pet her as a sign of affection rather than one of hunger.
Jë psipothet z’écurëysh’ dézir ma labémiñ, oubiñ xyalyon y’ohév axanyet cë ci y’suita, jë driñ’ vuirt bishvilsë jë.
June 29 2007
The above reads "I'm a kid in a candy store"
<< Ydrou dolçe troviñdr àcapxinniî >>
Note: The sound files aren't working properly. This should be corrected by the middle of July.
[=] /\ + /\ ... Because this year is Tapissary’s 30th birthday, I’m having a party.
Nothyolpa du añ Tapissaryshé tarios driñ’ ìtanjeriî, xàpartiëê.
[=] + /\ ... I’m reviewing all sorts of grammar from my previous invented languages to offer as linguistic presents.
Sawba ytou òsorëê y’jramer miñ jda prévi eñvañtnou azikiµ, suiyo liñgistic ooìprézeêñz.
[=] + /\ ... I’m a kid in a candy store.
Ydrou dolçe troviñdr àcapxinniî.
[=] + /\ ... Just a couple weeks ago, Tapissary ripped open a box filled with the well aged circular accusative from the early 1970’s, and chewed the whole thing into its current hieroglyphic shape. Ravenous appetite.
Just beñ riri hafta pre, txëcsh ëyben Tapissary reñpli tis byiñ umrnou sircuiui acuzifoñ miñ r’avañs 1970’z ùxañdaâc, ‘bya duñ corçe cëirëis iroglific jaznam mastecr coul òvweñdeêry. Xavenni apéti.
[=] + /\ ... For party favors, what could be more fun than distorting some Japanese or Turkish syntax onto American Sign Language’s spatial qualities... specifically its ability to cluster subject, object, and verb into a single picture.
Fi parti favriµ, cwa cëirt psa baibaicos cë cën ynipona ha turc disdos oaìsiñtaxëê saft américiñ xyalyon azikshé postrañl calitéz... spésifica corcé cun duñ oupla pittour mtacshtrë oaìsujéê, caya, na verb.
[=] + l ... This is why you will notice the agglutinated length of many words in the language.
Du iîs smboñ r’aglutiñnou loñgër y’bocor cotob dañ azik señ ilañkaâñ.
[=] + ∆ ... While the grammar is getting a good bath, the hieroglyphs are standing steadfast in their traditional form.
Xé ri jramer beñ nefer bath jetiñ oô, stö iroglifiµ stast ydrou jdir tradisyoñl cölib stecomë laâr.
[≠] + /\ ... It’s not my intention to make a new language out of Tapissary, (lit: it’s not a new language’s intention to make me out of Tapissary)
Xenoury azikshé ìcisjajaâs ulë y’Tapissary ooìmaâ,
[=] + /\ ... but to provide it with fresh laundered clothes.
ma tis fre liñjanou cimoniµ sipéc ooìoô.
June 28 2007
[=] l + l ... Today’s post is very short.
Tenrëjshé post psiñ’ si tre mijicay.
[=] + /\ ... I’m preparing the pages about the process I use to make celloglyphs.
Pxòpezjëtiµëê nay prosé istòsos ooìçelloglifiµ.
[≠] + ∆ ... Hopefully it will be ready next week for the grammar section of this site. (lit: Hopefully for the grammar section of this site they {the pages} will write me they will).
Nakouspliñlioñ fitö jramer sadouz y’du bese lar écriki ma lar.
June 27 2007
[=] /\ + /\... I was in the middle of writing an e-mail to a friend.
Driñ’ àzodyañdac y’a beñ ami scròe-couretëê.
[=] -- __... All of a sudden, the electricity went out at the stroke of midnight.
Ytou y’beñ soudiñ, ri n’élécrisitéé a ri nëséañ y’zonui pita ulë.
[=] + /\ ...I lit a candle.
Acurëi òspanuiñdiî.
[=] -- V ... All the world and the moon are quiet.
Ytou ze wërld ‘bya ri pasañdranou pasañdraa s’éhimi.
[=] V+ l ... Then my mind calms to a trickle when I see the sleeping tree.
Pui jda espri wamaha a beñ cwëimcwëim jebër ze dorë arb jë tsiñ’ vwaâr.
June 26, 2007
[=] l + l... The old man swimming in the lane next to me, wore several floats around his waist.
Ze styëy adañ ydrou la swé naxritis a ma najë, sevrëy flot saviv care tëy psiñ’ poñdoôrt.
[=] ø... He was doing some kind of therapy for his legs.
Cëñ naw y’therapi fi care jamsabalaz hi tañdarë.
[=] /\ + /\... Just as I approached, he splashed water in my face.
Just oubiñ j’aproñdosh, tstitsti jda fas driñ’ ùvadoñdoûr.
[≈] + /\ ... He had been trying to keep his balance.
Care lipru cùhiñdrimëê.
[=] ø... On my next lap, he spit out in my direction some water that he’d swallowed.
Om jda naxritis liñp, hi crañdash ulë cëñ vador ydrou jda dréja sa hi savañdral.
[≈] + ∆... Was it all coincidence, or did it look like I had made a face?
Yédiñ cwiñsidiñ o ydi, ha o miñdin com beñ fas ma mezcëndrët oô?
[≈] --/\... I don’t know which. (lit: which doesn’t know me).
June 25, 2007
Note: This entry and yesterday's, were the first recorded in the journal. The sentences below are all written exclusively in the second 'longitude' wholly for the reason of practicing that form.
/\... My web master hooked up the replacement printer.
Jda web metr smoga oup ji réeñdrwalioñ ùiñprimëñdër.
/\... Finally I am copying documents again.
Finala coptër eñcor òdocumañzë.
/\... I showed him what I wanted for an animated button on the Stories page.
Fi animanou boutoñ om Yistwariµ pezjët msòhiñdim istoùcwañda.
/\... I drew the components for the button, so that he can animate them next week with Flash.
Fi boutoñ crewc ògameñdent, szi sa naxritis hafta tis Flash anima ùhim.
June 24, 2007
/\... Jess arrived in Athens.
Jess arvuhatheñdens.
/\... She had dyed her hair dark to fit in, and already Jess was mistaken for being Greek.
Tiñt foñsé ùtuñdruy fi la mnasib, ‘bya déjénéré tort ieñwhjessnou biñ ìhélenë.
/\... Her first night there and she’s dancing on the town.
Cañjo cirios nui shaµ ‘bya dañzet ze ùtannaë.
/\... Her studies of the classics begin soon, something she loves.
Cañjo çalishiµ y’tö dersiµ sto hajimi, biñvwery lvieñhsosh.
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