The year 2007 marked Tapissary’s 30th anniversary. To celebrate, I’ve been making adjustments to the grammar. The journal is my practice sheet where I merge linguistic invention with my daily experiences. Formulas such as [< >] +/\ are indications of my cyclic grammar.
L'année 2007 correspond au 30ème anniversaire de ma langue inventée de Tapissary. Pour le fêter, mon cadeau c'est le plaisir d'expérimenter avec des rajustements de la grammaire. Ici, dans les pages du journal, je fonds l'invention linguistique avec mes expériences quotidiennes. Mes formules telles que [< >] +/\, sont les indicateurs de la grammaire des cycles.
tapissed entries
Nov 27 2009
Upcoming film: "Parrot and Alley Rat in a Hurry"
On journal page 24, I was describing the work I've been doing in 3 dimensions. The amount of time required to make a film has greatly altered the schedule for the episodes. It used to be two episodes per month, but this current piece "Parrot and Alley Rat in a Hurry" will take 3 or 4 months. I'm using the software called Maya, and being a beginning student, my animation techniques are minimal, but I can still get my characters around. The shots here are from the intro scene in progress. The location is based on my miniature sculpted village called Ventiçello. I should have the finished piece ready in about a month or two from now. If you have iTunes, look up 'Tapissary Talk' under podcasts to watch the episodes. I will also post the finished piece here as a YouTube film. Then all you need do is click on the button and watch right on this site. Please check back.
Update: Dec 2, 2009
You can watch the film below by clicking on the play button. This is only the title page of episode 10 leading into scene one. It isn't finished, but it is being posted to show my viewers the direction I'm planning for the upcoming episode. The script you see in the short clip is the title "Parrot and Alley Rat in a Hurry" written out in Tapissary.
Note about the music:
"Dance of the Free" by Musicshake is temporary. I will be writing my own musical score for this episode in the coming months.
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