Etiime in se Wrojouurnal

It's Time to Write in the Journal


Page 7


This year, 2007, marks Tapissary’s 30th anniversary. To celebrate, I’ve been making adjustments to the grammar. The journal is my practice sheet where I merge linguistic invention with my daily experiences.

"Spoken" Tapissary comes in 2 flavors. "Tapisi" sounds like a French Slavic blend, while "Sevens" takes English vocabulary as its base. The celloglyphs (hieroglyphs) are written the same for both the Tapisi and Sevens styles. These two spoken forms can also be written with the Latin alphabet, as seen in the following entries. For the time being, I'm focusing on Sevens.

The formulae you see preceding each phrase below (such as: [≈] + V ) refer to the cyclic grammar.

Images and Vocabulary. I base these short Tapissed texts on images. The illustrated entries give me daily practice with language, drawing and/or photography. Each day I highlight a vocabulary word, showing how it fits into a sentence.



tapissed entries


Aug 22 2007


[=] |+| I took this shot of morning mist about two weeks ago. --V Downtown’s skyline reduces itself into a single row of building blocks. --V The city surrounding the crenulated serpent is mildly chunky as pea soup. +/\ Then the boldness of the foreground landscape is the waking side of morning.

Iwcii took this shot ymorning mist about two week ago. Itself into a downtownin sky`ylinened single roòw ybuilding bloghck reduhuce. Surrounding ge ciìtyned crenulated seèrpent is mildly chunky as pea soup. Then ge boldness yge foreground landscape waking esiide ymorning.

The çelloglyph meaning 'shot' comes from my pictograph of a hypodermic needle.



Aug 21 2007

pencil on Strathmore paper.... 3" x 10"


[=] |+/\ Suddenly the fish grew to enormous size. +/\ The fishing boat was still far from the dock +<> when the fish cast their net.

Suddenly se fiwcish to enormous empûsôze. Ge fishing boat still far from edaeeck when se fish their netomy cast.


Edaeeck in +/\ means ‘it was (the) dock’.

In the +/\ present tense 'it is the dock' becomes: ûdoock.



Aug 20 2007

pencil and charcoal on Strathmore paper..... 3" x 10"


[=] ∆+/\ The paintings of the ‘naive’ artist Alfred Wallis, inspire me. + | This seascape is my variation on one of his works. + /\ I moved elements around quite a bit, + /\ and lengthened the composition into a narrow band, [≠] +<> because I wanted something other than a square for this page.

Se paiwtaighnting yse ‘naive’ artist, Alfred Wallis, inspire oushewmee. This seaascape my variation on one yhis woghrk is. Mvihîîghlement around quite a bit, and lengthen shlôcomposûûtion into a narrow band, because something other than a square weent meenny for this page.

Today’s çelloglyph is ‘COMPOSITION’. It looks like a 3 with a dot to the right. The 3 shape is derived from the çelloglyph meaning ‘make’. The dot refers to musical notation. When I invented this symbol, I was thinking in terms of music composers. Lengthen shlôcomposûûtion means: “lengthenly I drove (the) composition”.



Aug 19 2007


[=] <>+/\ The sun set quickly +/\ after I’d begun this drawing of a ceramic bowl. +/\ The light changed every minute. +<> I decided to play around with the drawing a little longer anyway, +<> inventing something here and something there.

Tra suwfun set tmeûût quickly after this hjôdrawndraawing ya ceramic bowl. Tra light bjeûût every minute. I deçode jouer around with se draawingome a little longer anyway, inventing somethingenne here and somethingome there.

Note: Hjôdrawndraawing means: I had started (the) drawing. It is a verb.
Draawingome means: I make (the) drawing. It is in the accusative case.



Aug 18 2007

The çelloglyph highlighted in the text above means "BOOT"


[=] |+∆ Shoes make dynamic subjects. +∆ They are composed of expressive shapes and carry us wherever we chose, and however far. +| I put the boot on a stool. +/\ The poor lighting in the room lessened the contrast. +| Friday was a hot afternoon, +<> and I had needed to cover the windows as +/\ I drew the boot with the fan going.

Shoewcoeegh make dynamic sughbject. They are composed yexpressive shaghpe and carry us wherever we chose theey, and however far. Ii put se boot on a stool. Tra poor lighting in tra room lessen ddecaeentrast. Friiday was a hot afternoon, and neendreed couvrir the myed wighndow as artibîît with ge fan going.



Aug 17 2007


[=]∆+∆ The weather has been very hot, +<> so I carved the phrase: “It is the sun” in the dirt. +/\ Then I erased the phrase with my shoe. [≠]+__ It was a short lived drawing.

Tra weawteather iit beste very hot, so caerve ge phraseme: It is the sun” in ge dirt. Then erase zpriphrââse with my shoe. Ge short lived draawings iits got.



Aug 16 2007


[=]|--__ I was having technical problems with my web tools yesterday. +| Here is a drawing of 2 different salt containers.

Iwsìs technical proòghblems with my web tooghl yesterday having. Here iit a drawing of 2 different container is.



Aug 15 2007


[=]|+| Tuesday morning began warming up early. +/\ I took a walk before the major heat set in. +∆ A crisp leaf, intact as a perfect potato chip, lie in the cool dirt out of the sun. +<> I took it home to draw.

Tuesday mowcoorning warming up early began. Tiwaeelk before tra major heat set in mdeûût. A crisp leaf, intact as a perfect potato chip, lie iit in se cool dirt out of tra sun. Took iitenny homehaj dessiner.



Aug 14 2007


[=]/\+| It was an ideal Sunday to walk in the park above the beach. +/\ The happy little dog, light as a feather, lead his master in enthusiastic directions. +/\ He was a bird on a leash.

Iwriit was an ideal Sunday marcher in the park above the beach. Se happy little dog, light as a feather, lead his bremandaaster in enthusiastic direñction. Ebindiird on a leash.



Aug 13 2007

The çelloglyph highlighted in the text above means: 'OCEAN'


[=]V--| This plant on a bluff overlooking the ocean had become nearly mummified from the dryness of its habitat. +∆ This is a common fate of plant life in this area. [≠]+/\ It would appear that many of the trees and bushes have acquired some kind of disease. [=]+V Their long struggle is frozen in bold curls well above the dryness of the ocean.

This plawnaànt on a bluff overlooking l’ocean becondrome nearly mummified from tra dryness yits habitat. This is a common fate iit yplant life in this area. It would appear that some kind ydisease acquire many ygtewtreesteee and bush. Is frozen in their long struggled’s bold cuñrl well above la dryness yl’ocean.



< page eight >





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