journal page 23


The year 2009 marks Tapissary’s 32nd anniversary. To celebrate, I’ve been making adjustments to the grammar. The journal is my practice sheet where I merge linguistic invention with my daily experiences. Formulas such as [< >] +/\ are indications of my cyclic grammar.

L'année 2009 correspond au 32ème anniversaire de ma langue inventée de Tapissary. Pour le fêter, mon cadeau c'est le plaisir d'expérimenter avec des rajustements de la grammaire. Ici, dans les pages du journal, je fonds l'invention linguistique avec mes expériences quotidiennes. Mes formules telles que [< >] +/\, sont les indicateurs de la grammaire des cycles.



tapissed entries


3 23 2009 [part one]

Billy Budd

The Third Language Creation Conference has now come to an end. They probably will be posting the lectures and events from the conference at conlang dot org, after the videos become available. One of the pieces on display there was a page I’d translated into Tapissary from the story Billy Budd. This page begins Chapter Eight. The first two sentences in the English original follow below, and I read them in Tapissary on the audio file. The conference contained a wide variety of projects by language inventors, and is well worth the time to check out.

Listen to first line in Tapissary here:


The lieutenants and other commissioned gentlemen forming Captain Vere’s staff it is not necessary here to particularize, nor needs it to make any mention of any of the warrant officers. But among the petty officers was one who, having much to do with the story, may as well be forthwith introduced.


Ze lyëtnañw na droushca comisyiiñou mitralic_adaµw cölibad capiten Vere’n staf o isis néséser htar la parcyëlëriz, nor beshzohon o mëzca ebar meniiñ y’ebar y’ze mañda wazifiwr. Mas bain ze pëti wazifiwr, hi pyeñ é oñ shë, xazad metr fer tis psö yistwar, miñ oubiñ byiñ psa forth’tis vosttou.


3 23 2009 [part two]

Definition of Cyclic Grammar

I'm still working on a definition for the cyclic grammar I made for Tapissary. Here's the latest:

Cyclic Grammar

The arrangement of aspects (associations) into the building up and dissolving stages of sequence, such that they describe a full cycle of idea and story.

Zodiasic Jramer

Sö sidérlioñ y’aspewct (çëgspëiiñw) dën sö strayad oup na dézoudrad stawj y’sécañs, sos sa lar beñ pliñ zodias y’idé na yistwar décri.


3 14 2009

"Glossopoesis and Glottotechnia" Next week

The Third Language Creation Conference is fast approaching. Held at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island on March 21 and 22, 2009. The conference includes lectures, an exhibit of posters made by language inventors, and a screening of a film with the theme on conlanging (constructed language). As language invention is open ended, the scope of language interpretation to be presented at this conference is diverse. You can view all the information about this unique event at conlang dot org. The most up-to-date information is posted in the left margin of their home page. I am one of the contributors of posters for the exhibit. My Hieroglyphic Collages 2 series will be displayed, along with an excerpt from Billy Budd translated into Tapissary. (The Tapissed text here is a translation of this paragraph).


Yit Lëw Azik Crééiiñ Coñfereñsen aprosh bystrou psa’holdad om. Holddou i Brown Mixlala ydrou Providence, Rhode Kzaner om Tippxa dëc na dëd, dabë. Yit coñfereñs o incluhu lectuwur, beñ kyeréz y’afiwsh mezcëttou niy azik eñvañtëwr, na beñ écrañad y’beñ film tis psö them om conazikad (costruittou azik). Oubiñ azik eñvañtiiñ si ëyben tëfettrou, tö scop y’azik iñterpretiiñ etr prézeñnou i du coñfereñs si divers. Señ turoz vu ytou yit iñformajaja nay d’unic sabëyt i conazik dot org. Tö cis oup a çezba iñformajaja si posttou ydrou tö lefral maxin y’jdir hom pezjët. J’a oñ y’ze jaldebëwr y’afiwsh fi tö kyeréz. Jda Iroglific Colawj Dë séri psaja afijjou, yolod tis beñ exsexpt miñ Billy Budd traduiou dëñ Tapissary.


3 4 2009

"Glossopoesis and Glottotechnia: The Art and Science of Language"


My exhibit "Hieroglyphic Collages" which was at New York's Amos Eno gallery last year, will be displayed this year in a group show of language inventors, presented by the Language Creation Society. They are holding a conference in Providence, Rhode Island on March 21 and 22, 2009. In conjunction with the lectures, there will be an exhibit of language related works. The event is called "Glossopoesis and Glottotechnia: The Art and Science of Language". You can read more about the conference and other conlanging activities at their website: conlang dot org. To read the catalog about Hieroglyphic Collages 2, click here.


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